Personal Mythology
Analysis + Session
Get to know yourself from an in-depth, feminist mythic perspective. Through a two-fold conversation, this personal reading is an in depth examination of your unique, unfolding quest. Beginning with an hourlong recorded audio Zoom intake call, April examines your experiences and goals in relation to a variety of interconnected spheres including: gender issues, archetypes, totems, depth psychology, your body, archetypal astrology, dreamwork, synchronicity, and your relationship to creativity. (See chart below.)
After completing personalized, focused exercises between sessions, clients return for their second sessions. After your sessions April compiles an archetypal outline of your session which you will receive via email within two business days. Clients wishing to continue exploring these imprints can choose further one-on-one sessions or online classes.
Providing a unique approach to interconnected ways of being and inquiry, Personal Mythology readings provide opportunities to work through blocks and move confidently towards regeneration.
Scheduling + Payment
Personal Mythology sessions include in-depth planning and are an investment of time beginning with your astrological birth chart. Payment is due upon scheduling. Rescheduling requires 24 hours’ notice.
Copyright © 2021 April C. Heaslip REGENERATRIX. All rights reserved.
Ongoing Private Sessions
Post Mythic Analysis
Individual session to continue examining and cultivating your potency and agency in private sessions with April are powerful next steps in locating yourself on your S/Hero's Journey map and getting empowering support for your ongoing quest. Cultivate your potential with focused, clear, creative personalized assignments designed for joy as much as efficacy. Together we tend trauma and grief and clear blocks via the healing power of creativity and cultivating synchronicity.
Enhance your capacity to feel, deepen your leadership skills, support the sisterhood between women, and regenerate via committed self-care.
Calling All S/Heroes:
The Quest for Regeneration
M Y T H O L O G Y:
The loss and exile of the feminine has tremendously impacted the foundation of Western cultures. This course explores the quest for regenerative pilgrimage toward sovereign, effective participation in Life through the incorporation of feminine wisdom. Cinematic and literary representations of female power have shifted dramatically, providing girls and women—as well as boys and men—more dynamic and authentic reflections of vital female presence, power, and wisdom. Moreover, fresh interpretations of women's classic literature help excavate long-buried roadmaps offered by our foremothers. Beyond the constructed triad of maiden, mother, crone, other archetypes have been missing from an incomplete model of the feminine in modern cultures.
This workshop is for anyone longing for the adventure and discovery—or deepening—of your own personal myth. Central to this exploration is recognizing and attending the exiled and degraded archetypal feminine of Western cultures; her loss has left a corrupt model where partnership was replaced with a legacy of incestuous and sacrificial shaming and violence, and an incomplete, wounded masculine longing for wholeness. Utilizing archaeomythology, gender studies, depth psychology, religious studies, literary fiction, and film, we can track how the exilic feminine--embodied, divine, and wise--returns bearing regenerative gifts.
By exploring both the internal, alchemical marriage of the feminine and masculine energies and wisdoms—in Jungian terms, personal individuation—and the external collective unconscious and partnership models for community and the environment, this advanced workshop weaves practical scholarship with your embodied, lived experience. Through the psychological acts of reading and writing via creative exercises and dialogue, this course calls you forward on your personal quest for regeneration and toward co-creative acts of community building.